Dead Eyes Opened [Remix Three] (Edgar Lustgarten reading from "Death on the Crumbles (1924)", from the "Is your name Patrick Mahon? It is?" "By strange coincidence, a thunderstorm had been brewing when Mahon, doing the woman's head. He had severed it from the trunk, built a huge fire in the sitting room, placed her head upon it, then (I owe a debt here to Edgar Wallace, who edited the transcript of the Mahon trial), then the storm broke with a violent flash of lightning and an appalling crash of thunder. As the head of Emily Kaye lay upon the coals, the dead eyes opened, and Mahon fled out to the deserted shore. When he nerved himself to return, the fire had done its work. The head was never found..." "You lost your head. And having lost your head, you left the lady's body in the bungalow. Is that right? Yes?" "Do you mean you wanted to go on having connection with her?"* (*Actually said before the previous comment and spliced into a necrophiliac context by Tom Ellard.)