Concord(e) Pastich(e) Yes, it's been a long time, He said with a smile, Looking almost sadly Nothing ever changes And yet nothing stays the same, Growing older Day by day. It doesn't seem so long ago Blind dog was hardly born, We used to run from here to over there... The empty voice balloon Hung down from the old man's lips, Snatching a sideways glance He pulled down the sky And wrote in cold white paint "The End" "Equity" I shouted, "Can't seem to hear you" he murmured. Concept: David MacIver Music: Rupert Hine & Simon Jeffes All guitars: Simon Jeffes Piano & Organ: Rupert Hine Electric Piano: Steve Nye Drums: John Punter Yesno: David MacIver Strings: The Martyn Ford Spontaneous Music Ensemble Now think on: Where does the end start? Is each start, some old end? ANSWERS: a Concorde interruption b Footsteps (l. to r.) c The Sound of Mud d Mini door slam e Laughcry f Lawn Mower g "Put my wife down" h "Hello, I am a mains computer"